J Sridhar




Strategic thinking towards leadership and talent development:

        Have always believed in institution and people building than merely tasks. At GVK, successfully groomed several executives to take on higher responsibilities through training and motivation.

        In an IT Company, brought together a number of executives operating at random and built them into a cohesive team with added skills.


Excellent Communication, Presentation and Facilitation Skills:

        This has been one of my strongest points. Have won several persons to a point of agreement through crisp, clear, persuasive communication.

        Have often been used by top management to help them in presentations at international meets.

        Took an unprecedented initiative in facilitating a series of talks by specialist professionals to disseminate knowledge about the power project to all other colleagues.


Strategic and Creative approach to problem solving:

        Always believed in questioning blindly following past methods. To solve the tricky problem of sale of scrap that was ridden with issues of corruption, cost and local issues, took an unprecedented initiative of resorting to open online auctions. This made the transactions transparent, speedy, at zero cost and very high returns unheard of before.


Sound developed written skills and drafting ability:

        Again, in all organizations that I have been, there would always be a beeline of colleagues who would want their messages, reports, notes or any other matter to be drafted by me. I have written a number of articles for our Company magazine too.

        My writing skills have helped raise donations for worthy causes of education and healthcare.


Strong interpersonal skills and networking ability:

        Have always gained the love and respect of all professionals in the organizations that I have been. This was irrespective of departmental or functional boundaries.


Strong People Management Skills:

        As a believer in truth, love and humility, I have always been able to build strong, credible relationships with people at all levels. Since people could trust me fully, I could help many executives improve their attitudes towards work and life.

        A classic example was my ability to transform a highly corrupt executive to become a committed honest professional. This was done without threats, reprimands or  hurting his self-esteem.


Flexible, collaborative interpersonal style that inspires the confidence of senior management:

        Had formed a Task Force to help complete a much delayed power project. This was beyond the call of my designated function and was initiated purely to generate a spirit of team work, pride of purpose and goal oriented functioning. It helped in breaking through many bottlenecks, mindsets and operational bureaucracy.

        The fact that I was a cheque signatory in a Rs 5000 Cr power project would sufficiently illustrate the confidence that the senior management had in me.


Ability to drive processes and decision making in consultation with internal and external clients:

        I was possibly the only executive who was a best friend and confidante’ of Internal Auditors!! Unlike most who feared them and treated them with caution, I would often invite them to study our processes and help in improving them.

        I have also encouraged vendors and contractors to interact closely with our operating teams and come up with creative solutions to tricky problems.


Ability to relate to a wide range of individuals and cultures:

        I have never worked outside India. Within India, I have interacted with people from several backgrounds and culture. As for international interaction, they have been mainly through mails or social networks and they have been smooth and positive so far!


Good judgement and strong sense of discretion and confidentiality:

        As a professional who has run his own company for several decades, this is a fundamental requirement. Even in organizations that I had worked, I always believed in the “need to know” principle and would never include work matters in conversations.


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